Blue sky (Day 2985)

A bit of a later start for me gave me time to give the van a wash before heading to town to measure up for a job and change a kitchen tap. As is always the case the "easy" tap change took a bit longer than I had expected.
I collected some stuff from various suppliers before heading home for lunch.
Next on the list was a wander with Sigyn. The weather wasn't looking promising, but I decided to risk a wander at Lyde. We ambled down the road and were just in time to see a newly born calf take its first faltering steps. Being the son of a vet, I have seen hundreds of calves born with assistance from a vet, but I am yet to see one born without any help. I was probably only minutes too late, but it was grand to see the calf getting up. The cow was doing a great job licking it clean and "talking" to it the whole time.
Back home for a quick catch up with my beautiful wife, then as she zoomed off to do more hoss pedicures, I got her car washed cleaned out and washed. Hopefully it will get sold very soon.

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