Wotton Brook & Barnwood Arboretum

Since coming back from Belgium, and losing Jonty, I've decided to try to keep up walking. Maybe not everyday but while I was in Belgium I would, every morning, walk from the campsite to the SPAR supermarket to get some croissant's (various) for my fellow bikers, who were mostly still asleep by the way! This was a 20 minute, each way, walk. 
One day they were still asleep when I got back so left the croissant, in their bags, on the bench table outside the cabin. A short while afterwards I received a complaint from my clientele that the croissaint's had been attacked by the local bird population HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I laughed louder, and longer, than that.
Anyway, todays walk was 45 minutes/2.5 miles and took me to Wotton Brook, which runs through the Barnwood Arboretum.
Top pictures shows the brook as it tumbles out of the balancing pond making a rather attractive waterfall. The other one is the other side of the road, which it passes under, as it meanders it's way on to join the river Severn some distance away.
The bottom photograph was taken through the branches of 'Big Oak Tree'. Next to the big Oak is an equally large Redwood tree. 
There is great variety in the arboretum and it's just about the right distance for my walks. I'll vary how I get there as there are a number of routes I can take to end up in the same place.

On the subject of Belgium we noticed that there are a lot of bars selling SAS Pils Lager. After a couple of days I said to my friend, Nigel, "I've figured out why they call it SAS Pils". "Oh, why is that", Nigel Replied.
"Because they use Special (H)Ops" 
It really tickled him and he took every opportunity to repeat it to all and sundry when we got back. He did give me the credit for thinking of it though.

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