Seaside Guitar Hero Goes Floral

My brother managed to repeat the same trick as two weeks ago and get a Friday off work. So yes, as you might of guessed, it just had to be another trip back to the seaside. This time we decided on a return to Folkestone.
We took a different route down there on this occasion and due to my poor navigation skills we did end up taking a couple of 'minor' detours - we were heading towards Dover instead at one point (!) - but with my brother stepping up to the navigator role, and the assistance of Google maps on his phone, we were soon back on track.
By the time we arrived we were gasping for a drink so we parked the car at the Harbour Arm and climbed the steep and cobbled St. Michaels Street (where my second, third and fourth extras were taken - a colourful passageway, a shop that rather dubiously seemed to combine the delights of foot appliances and wines and spirits (!) and a pedestrian  bypassing a reclining figure attempting to connect creatives) to head back to The Pullman pub where we knew they served a a gloriously cool pint. We found a lovely spot in the beer garden to enjoy our beverages and cool down after the 'arduous' climb. Our peaceful imbibements were briefly shattered by the arrival of a huge seagull who proceeded to land on one of the tables and steal some bread off the plate of a lunchtime diner - the poor lady did let out a piercing shriek but then did see the funny side and laughed her head off!
The mini drama over and our pints consumed we then decided to stroll around the rest of the town we had missed on our previous visit - which was quite a large percentage of it to be honest - and is where I managed to take my main image as this guy with his guitar slung over his shoulder strolled past a wonderfully vibrant mural.
It was then time to head back downhill to the Harbour Arm itself to locate some lunch. We settled on trying out the food court - which was very busy - but we managed to get a table and ordered a pizza from one of the food outlets. It took some time to arrive with the poor young guy behind the counter appearing to be on his own and looking quite hot and bothered bless him - but the pizza was delicious.
Our hunger sated we headed back out to take in the rest of the sights of the Harbour Arm. My fifth extra is a sculpture called "Another Time" by Anthony Gormley and is one of a series of 100 solid cast-iron figures designed by the artist to be dispersed around the world - two of which are located in the town following the Folkestone Triennial in 2017. This particular figure stands in the half tide load platform - with, as you can see in this image, only its head remaining on view when the tide comes in. 
Of course it would almost be rude on any visit to the seaside not to try and capture images of a seagull (this was actually a food cart on wheels but I think this viewpoint gives it a rather menacing countenance) and a crazy golf course (Beachside Putters) so of course I had to get a shot of each.
My last image was taken on our way back to the car before we headed home and is a glimpse of a cockerel sculpture which stands outside one the restaurants - I particularly liked the way the squiggly line on the ground draws your eye towards it in the distance as it peeks out between two shipping containers. 
We still had time for a quick drink at Chilham again on the way home. Another fantastic day out!

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