Destination Golf

A day finishing off clearing the garage. I took several tools, saws, screws and nails to Men in Sheds. Reluctantly they couldn’t accept them as they were inundated with offers and donations, but they thanked me for thinking about them. If you believe the Sunday papers everyone is clearing sheds and garages and converting them to garden pubs, gyms, Norwegian log cabins, and digital hubs for working from home. In this garage and with these worn out tools , dolls houses and bird tables were built. I went inside the MIS HQ., which continues this lost tradition and reunites men with this creative pastime. What a fantastic well organised modern facility with 5 or 6 chaps hard at work. Everything looked pristine, cared for and up to date. They certainly didn’t need my father in laws lifetime collection of worn out tools. Tools worn out with use. I thought about him as I took them to the tip. What would he be thinking. They were placed separately on view so hopefully someone can make use of them.

This sign is on a new roundabout on the way to the care home. I think it is an old Cheshire one refurbished with an additional new finger post pointing to the Golf Centre.
Men in sheds. A wonderful idea. More power to your elbow.

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