Blip 400

What a beautiful day it was here today. The sun was shining and it was really warm. Euan and I went down the Glen this afternoon, we went along the Powdermill to where the waterfall is and I took loads of pictures. I had a nice one of Euan skimming a stone and there are 7 ripples then the stone making a splash as it goes in the water.

It could have been my blip but then I just loved this one of the waterfall as it just looked so right, call it gut instinct if you like.

We then walked up to the castle through the Glen and took many more pictures but still not any as good as the waterfall, so that is my blip today. The rest of my pictures are on my facebook page if you want to check them out.

I just realised that this is my 400th blip, can't believe thats another wee landmark on my blip journey. Love this blip world of ours and hope to keep going to the next milestone and beyond. Think this one is just right for blip 400.

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