Dinosaur Reflections

Cloudy day, and quite warm for Winter.  +11C.  This morning I parked by the lake and strolled into town.  Because the lake is low, I was able to walk out quite a long way, and took a reflection photo looking back at the Dinosaur Park.  

Tomorrow is Marariki, which is the Maori New Year.  Every year Wanaka puts on quite a show, ending with a spectacular fireworks display.  The extra photo is starting the fire for the Hangi.  

The food is usually fish, kumara, (sweet potato), pork, lamb, potato, pumpkin and cabbage.  The food us usually wrapped in aluminium foil, and placed in wire baskets. 

The baskets are then placed on hot stones at the bottom of a hole dug into the ground.  The food is covered with a wet cloth, and a mound of dirt that traps the heat from the stones.  It is always very tasty.

Because I hope to photograph the fireworks tomorrow, I will be posting my photo much later that usual.

Later:  I have just found out there will be NO fireworks!!!

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