Barter Books

My word it was hot today.  I had a couple of errands to do this morning, and I was exhausted by the time I got back home, as it was so hot and humid.  I had had half an idea that I might go for a short run – but I decided against it.
Late morning we three set off down the A1 to meet TT’s sister in Alnwick.  As we drove south the weather deteriorated and the temperature decreased, right down to eighteen degrees, settling at around twenty degrees by the time we got to Alnwick.  We were all rather worried that we were underdressed.  While it wasn’t exactly “cold”, it was very grey and dark. We met up with TT’s sister and husband in the town centre and had a wee wander, with thoughts of lunch.  The first place we tried had no seats, but we were lucky with the second café we tried.  We even sat outside, but we did have  our jumpers on.   The rain came on as we were eating, but as if my magic an awning came out and kept us dry. It didn’t cover all the tables, but it did cover us, for which we were very grateful.
We continued our wander in the rain, checking out the new bookshop and then a visit to the marvellous Barter Books, before finding a  café for tea and cake.   It was then time to head our separate ways.  It turned out we were parked in the same car park so walked back together, and even more spooky was that unknown to us we had parked right next to their car.  What a coincidence!
We drove home, stopping off for some provisions for tea.  As we drove back north, the temperature increased, and the weather improved.  when we got home,  the temperature was noticeably higher with us than it had been in Alnwick.  We had pizza for tea.  The boys watched TV and I headed out for a walk, as it was a lovely evening.
This is inside Barter Books, which is housed in the old railway station.

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