
Phin’s paw was still bleeding this morning and typically I couldn’t find any first aid supplies to try to bandage it so had to nip to the supermarket. I’d called the vets first thing and sent them a picture of the cut and they called just after I finished bandaging him up to say could I bring him in right away.

So off we went and long story short they wanted to keep him in and put in a couple of stitches to help his paw pad to heal quicker. So off he went with the vet nurse quite happily.

They had hoped to use light sedation but he was quite wriggly so they had to give him a general anaesthetic. All went well and we collected him just after 5. The surgery have even offered to submit the insurance claim for me so I’ve left it in their capable hands. He had a wee sleep but woke at his usual dinner time looking for his tea.

It’s going to be tough keeping him indoors and in the lead in the garden but needs to be done.

I used my free time today to crack in with the cardigan and now have 5 separate pieces just about ready to be joined together.

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