Me and Mum - age 2

I have so many old family photographs! In the absence of me taking any photo today I came across this one of me and mum taken in the garden of our house in Blackford. It good to see my Mum as a vibrant young mother, slim and energetic as opposed to the way she is now with knees full of osteoarthritis, failing eyesight due to macular degeneration, foot pain due to peripheral neuropathy and the general failing of her vital organs.

As she said she has has a good life, and she couldn’t have got a better husband than my wonderful Dad.

Was up lunchtime and tea time today - it’s become the norm. She wasn’t happy when I said I wasn’t going down to Newcastle after she asked about it today. ‘I’ll be fine’ she said. Please go! I said no I just don’t feel like going and my friend totally understands. End of discussion Mum!

Laura Dave and Ben popped in at teatime while I was there. Mum fancied a baked tattie and cheese so I made it here and took it up. She didn’t eat it all but enjoyed what she did have. Cameron arrives back from Spain this evening and he has a few weeks before he is off to South Korea.

Was reading an article about the heat in Italy - extreme heat and also affecting Spain , France and Germany. It’s given me a feeling of relief that here we don’t have that mental temperature I just could not cope with it. What can you do apart from stay indoors!!

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