
Up and out at 6am to get Rosie a nice walk in. Just us and the other dogs with their people. It was nice. Then to work, rattled through loads until midday. Collected Emma, then Kerry for our Brighton road trip. This is the new 50m pool in Brighton beach, 8 years in the making and recently opened. And it’s just beautiful, a nicely fresh 23degrees and not busy at all. It was mighty windy though. Such a proper treat though. In their FAQs they have “Can we bring a lilo?”. No, is the straight answer.

Then we went for coffee and snacks. Then home where Daisy has reappeared before her Cardiff trip tomorrow. They have managed to organise a viewing for a perfectly fine looking house tomorrow afternoon so fingers crossed they can just get that signed up and then enjoy a holiday week enjoying their new city.

We had a nice dinner of chicken, sausages and chips (and green beans for me) followed by cheesecake Daisy had made.

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