Alter-Nate-ive headwear

Nate and I got the bus to San Rafael to see the ES guys for coffee. Nate absolutely loved it and was pleased to be invited back next week. Adrian the Vicar dropped his hat onto Nate's head when he arrived and this is pretty much my only pic of the day! Interesting to hear more about the search for the guy...the FBI were even involved apparently!!
I'm looking out for a new podcast series for our Thursday night 24-7 discussions, so listened to a couple of episodes this afternoon...
Danny got his result back for his last ever Masters essay, and he's ended on a high - his best ever score!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Nate being such good company this morning.
2) More hilarity doing blindfolded drawings with the kids.
3) Danny ending the MA on a high.

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