Hump Day

Wednesday usually means exercise, and this one was no different. 

No aches or pains to make me think twice. No adverse weather to take into account. I just got out there and did it. 

I cycled to the park and back, and jogged for 40+ minutes. I enjoyed it. Much of the path in the park is tree lined, so lots of shade is created to help me avoid the extra warmth of the sunshine. Lots of summer smells to add to the "feel good" effect. 

I got my Blip where my jogging finished and I caught my breath before the uphill cycle (67m in 2.8 km according to Strava) home to my shower and lunch. 

The fountain is in trouble. It looks like it has become clogged up with weeds. 

The rain had resumed by the time I had finished lunch. My current library books will be finished in record time the way July is going...

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