
By DepressedDiva

So many pills I rattle!

Today was medication sorting day. Yes I know it’s weird doing it in the middle of the month but it’s generally when I have the most time.

I have medications for a few health conditions, including my depression, so take quite a few. This is the only way I remember to take them. This is kept by the kettle because I use that every day!

Today has been OK. I had my first review session for the Silver-cloud thing the NHS think will help me. It isn’t! In fact I scored worse today than when I was referred to it!

The teenager has caught the bug that’s going round school and at 1pm I got a call saying she had been sick and had to go home. She’s now off for the rest of the week. And next week is enrichment week so she’s basically finished school now. No more school uniform washing and ironing for almost two months!!!!

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