Hemp agrimony

Nothing like a trip to the Isle of Wight to remind you how ugly much of Bristol is. My walk from home to fareshare takes me through mainly building sites and wasteland, busy roads, goods yards, warehouses, abandoned buildings. So I looked hard for something lovely, and this was it. It seems to manage to grow on the most unpromising scraps of ground beside the road.
It rained for most of the afternoon and evening, proper wet rain which soaked the ground - and me on my way home. I went to the dentist, where my newly remade crown did fit - hooray. Then a zoom with my cousins, lots of chitchat and news. In the evening I went to see the new Indiana Jones film. My takeaway from that - it’s a load of silly nonsense and a lot of the action is so fast I can’t make it out. But I enjoyed it - and I concluded that Harrison Ford is really a pretty good actor

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