
By lucia13

Castle Park, Colchester

Heloo friends! I hope you had a nice week.We went around this beautiful park today. The Castle Park. It was opened for more than 100 years . Near there was a beautiful roman Theater many years ago. It was a lovely sunny day and we had a great time. In the affternnon evening we went to the beach along the Essex coast again it is beautiufl beaches around.

Thank you for all kind words about my last picture of the River Colne. We will return to this area soon because enjoyed it a lot and we would like to visit Colchester Zoo. We preffer enjoy the beach this time but the zoo we will go another time because we need one full day to visit it. I heard that it is one the bigest in Europe so I want to enjoy it as much as posible.

I am exausted but it was worth it. I wish to see my mum swan again soon . I missed her. I hope I can go tomorrow when I arrive home if someone came go with me. If not I have to wait for my husban affter the school finished . Hope the eggs still are there.

Have a nice day anyone . hope you enjoy this lovely old park in Colchester.

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