
I've been told several times over the last six weeks that the builders' rubbish in the garden will be removed 'on Monday' but this time it looks like it may actually be happening. Maybe. Possibly. I really don't understand why they say what they think I want to hear when the chances are it won't happen and I'm actually pretty laid back about it. (Apart from the builders' loo in the front garden. That's been going the last four Mondays and I wish it would. They use the one they built for me indoors anyway.) One of the most useful things I have learnt over my working life is that it pays to under-promise and over-deliver. Builders and architects appear never to have learnt that.

This is L, skilled tiler and not-so-skilled plasterer who was not enjoying this task for his first day back at work after 2½ weeks' holiday but was his usual cheerful self even so.

Meanwhile, I did a bit more painting. Progress is glacial.

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