Awaiting a hair cut

Grumpy, over tired start to the day where I had to tidy the house in preparation for Tracy the cleaner. She like us because our house feels “lived in”. Bloody tip more like. I guided her round Daisy’s piles of stuff, advised to steer clear of Will’s room as he was in it and left her to do her marvellous magic.

Full of all of the crazy at work, nearly flung the metaphorical phone down at the last conversation so I could get to the beach in time for what turned out to be a big wild swim (wild as in the original sense rather than the new fangled association with the word swim). Was great fun.

Home to cook the tea, watch the peaky blinders and the Tour de France.

And somewhere in the middle of that took Rosie for a gentle sniffy walk. She isn’t doing so well again with the beach running where she just wants balls to be thrown so we are back to driving for our walks.

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