Seafield House

What an interesting day I've had.
Westward Ho! has an old ruin of a  house whose garden is slowly crumbling into the sea. The house was bought by Rob Braddick and is going to be repurposed when (and if) the purchaser can get the permissions required to stabilise the cliff. It sounds as if he is having a huge problem getting the relevant permission but he is tenacious and will I feel sure, in the end, be able to get it done and get his vision for the house created. He allowed us to go into the building today. One club member's wife kindly came and dressed up for us. We had huge fun.  My main shows Sue being 'ghosted' by slow shutter speeds. 
She is walking down the staircase in the extra. You can see the wallpaper is in many places coming off and in places the lathe and plaster is visible; however, the main house structure is sound and will eventually be a holiday home for up to 20 people - alongside the Braddick holiday park, already in operation.
It has recently been used for wedding photos - hence all the confetti around on the stairs.

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