Hello, Hello, Hello!

Right place at the right time.  Today I was on my way out but wanted to see The 'window people.'  Outside there was this commotion.  Police cars had stopped  this car and arrested a person for drug offences, so I believe.  I missed the beginning part but was told the culprit kept banging his head against the car and shouting.  There were a few police around (and it's true, they do look young) some being young ladies.  However, they did manage to get the culprit into the van and off he went.

That was the firs part of my day.  The second involved  going to Keswick, along Borrowdale, over Honister Pass (ice cream shack was still shut) and back over Newlands Pass.  The way I intended to go home was shut at Buttermere.  Still a good day.  There is definitely more water in the rivers-all flowing nicely.

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