90 F/ 32 C

Just once around the
Butterfly Garden and I 
was completely done! 

We were treated to yet another thunderstorm about 7 PM last evening. The wind really thrashed the trees leaving tree litter all over my deck. We have 47 more wildfires in the past 48 hours due to lightning in this province. 

I was in McArthur Island by 6:30 where more evidence of the thunderstorm was spread all over the park - branches, leaves, twigs....

I drove in by the slough on the east side. I caught a mama wood duck escorting her brood along the pathway. She moved them hurriedly back into the slough when I stopped for a photo. 

The Canada geese were lined up on the Rivers Trail above the slough. They soon gathered themselves up and moved off the trail. 

I found two painted rocks tucked under the daylilies. I put the red one in my pocket as fair trade for the quilted heart I'd just left on a bench. 

I got my usual shot of my mountains and a look to the foot bridge.

On the south side of the park I found enough marmots to make my morning. 

I was back home by 7:30 with some breakfast. I've already overdone the walking this morning. It's my recliner now for the rest of the day. 

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