Jimmy Stewart Woke Me Up

I'm talking about the neighbor's dog; the one across the street; the one who looks a lot more like the topiary horse (blipped a couple of days ago), than either the actor or the man in this picture with Eric.

The man in this picture with Eric is David, another former student, who is going to do a few repairs around here. 
I've had such a long run of good sleep this summer, but that dog across the street just has to let the neighborhood know how cool it is to be out for a walk at 5am, especially the days his human drives him to a dog park; then the barking lasts until the truck turns the corner and is out of sight. Jimmy Stewart! Wasn't Jimmy Stewart a nice, quiet, understated guy?
"I wouldn't give you two cents for all your fancy rules, if behind them they didn't have a little ordinary everyday human kindness, and a little lookin' out for the other fella, too."
Stewart as Jefferson Smith in "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington"

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