
A day at home.  It wasn’t the best weather,  but I dared to hang some washing out.  It got wetter before it got dry.  I did go out for a run.  Weather-wise it was a nice day for a run. 
Late morning I ventured into town for a couple of things including lunch.  Unfortunately I wasn’t able to pick up the prescription we have been waiting on, as the pharmacist was out at lunch.  At least I got some lunch for us. and provisions for tea.
Later in the afternoon, I went out for a walk,  I took my raincoat, but didn’t need to wear it.  It wasn’t particularly cold, but neither was it particularly warm – but at least it was dry.  It was a bit too grey and dark for may liking though.  It’s meant to be summer. 
I made a salad for tea – I tried to recreate a smoked salmon and beetroot salad I had recently for lunch.  My interpretation went down well with the boys. 
These thistles are blooming in the grounds of the local hospital.

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