Looking North

From Hamilton wood, just outside Pittenweem.

We walked in the wood this morning in warm sunshine. Lots of birdsong, including a buzzard overhead. No sign of the roe deer fawns we were hoping to see, instead we spotted a grey squirrel sitting on the path cleaning itself. It soon moved when it saw Geordie.
Popped to the Co-op for one or two things afterwards, then home to put my new bedding on the bed, and hoover and dust, just in time for Maggie arriving.
She brought her bike with her today, so she showed me how well she cycles, with me walking swiftly beside her. Then we did some stone painting, although I’m sure there was more paint on Maggie than on any of the stones. After that we played some games, then made our meal.
Maggie and Geordie are now sound asleep and I’m enjoying the peace and quiet.

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