
By FergInCasentino


Last time I looked it was 34+C. Did some grass cutting first thing and must have caught my arm the bine (as they are called) on a self-seeded hop by our gateway. Swollen but not sore. Kent hop pickers - the army of the East End poor sleeping six to a 10x8 foot earth floor hut - suffered hip rash, hip wrist and hip eye according to this précis of Christian mission work amongst the hoppers -

The heat looks set to continue for 10 days. Pretty unbearable really and but a foretaste of what is to come. The pace of climate change in Europe is outstripping expectations. I’m not a glue-my-hands-to-the-motorway kind of guy but it is all extremely worrying. So much so I drove down to co-op for more ice.

The Boss reports rental flat she uses for work in Florence has internal temperature of 32C at 20:00.

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