A Hat, Two Mackerel and Some Fluffy Clouds

I could have been on a Greek Island this morning as I walked to the slip at 6:45 am in sunshine and warmth. Gone were the wind and the choppy seas of yesterday and instead there was not a breath of wind with the sea like a mirror. It has stayed like that all day with the temperature rising to such a height, that sitting in the garden of EllyJay, I had to request the use of a sun hat to prevent my brain overheating. It was a very chic sun hat which she has gifted to me in the off chance we get more such weather. Along with the hat, she sent me home with 2 mackerel to have for supper.

It was the kind of calm warm day that invites chatting to people on the street without the need to scurry past avoiding the chill wind or the rain. I had a long chat with someone who turned out to be the father-in-law of one of daughter #2’s surgeon colleagues in Fife and another lovely chat with a lady who happened to be passing as I blipped the fantastic clouds in my blip. It has indeed been a very sociable day. I’m beginning to feel like a chatty native.

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