A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Prompt replacement

Back to the old routine today. Couldn’t face doing anything but the essential chores over the weekend, just need a bit of space to return to ‘normal’ after being away.

We had a good sing this morning at Community Choir, a good new song and a few from our developing repertoire for sing a long songs at care homes. Then our usual shop followed by a quick lunch as I had a much needed hair appointment in the village this afternoon.

When we got in there was a parcel in the letterbox. It was this little puffin brooch from Shetland. I bought it at the same shop as the fridge magnet, across the street from our apartment in Lerwick on our last morning. Waiting for the ferry to Aberdeen I decided to wear it and as I removed it from the card the pin pinged off and disappeared somewhere in the car. Not the whole brooch fitting just the actual pin. Too late to return to the shop so I was most disappointed.

No good Wi-Fi on the ferry so it had to wait till Thursday evening for me to contact the shop. I had an email on Friday and she was most helpful asking me to describe the brooch. You could get them in wacky colours, poses and wearing Shetland patterned tops but I went for this natural coloured one stood in sea pinks as I had seen the real thing on the cliffs at Sumburgh Head.

Here was the replacement! So prompt. Just a little thing but I’m easily pleased!

Flickr did decide to play ball last night so I have two album links if you are interested.
Lake District party weekend here
North Scotland and Orkney here

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