
After some tea and toast I left A and spent the day driving south. Very uneventful and fairly straightforward drive other than a bit of a detour through Pontefract (in the throes of its liquorice festival….who knew there was such a thing!) when the A1 was closed. Arrived at Mt&H’s and enjoyed a cold beer whilst chatting to Mt&H and the kids played. They were both being superheroes, and spent quite some time on the swing. AR is obsessed with swinging and can do all sorts of tricks now….seems no time ago at all that I used to have to stand and push her for what felt like hours on end!
Whilst they had their supper they looked through the fringe programme and spotted everything they wanted to see…we’ll be busy! Played with Lego and some play figures with Mx….he was making up all sorts of games and competitions and checking in that I was having fun every few minutes,
Had some tasty aubergine and green bean curry with them then looked at Where’s Wally books with Mx before bed, and AR showed me her sketchbook with all her stories and drawings. Seems to write a lot about a character she’s made up called Salamanderdragon….
They both seem on very good form at the moment, lots of chat and laughter and full of ideas of things they’re interested in…lovely.
Drove up to T&Kt’s, made a cup of tea and fed the fish before bed

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