
We went into Chichester first thing to see the Gwen John exhibition at Pallant House.  It was an interesting one that put her into context and made it clear she was far from being the lovesick recluse that she’s been portrayed as before.  It also had a lot of paintings by her contemporaries , including other women from the Slade at the same time which was interesting.   For a long time of course she was only known as ‘sister of Augustus’ and these two paintings show quite clearly (well to me at least) how his rather lush portrait of his mistress Dorelia has dated badly whilst Gwen’s (on the left for avoidance of doubt) seems utterly fresh. 

After that thoughtful start to the day we stopped at the White Horse at Chilgrove for a spot of lunch before going home to soak up some sun in the garden. I walked the dog for a bit then made tea joined H with the papers whilst V had a nap.  

Dropped HB off at the station around 6 and had a peaceful evening. 

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