
By KCNQ2Haiku

Grass seeds on Dog

It's a new fete game..
"Guess the grass seeds on the Dog"..
not sweets in a jar!

No one would ever be able to get it right!  He was covered in them again after his rampage in the woods this afternoon.  We were lucky though as the heavens opened just as we got home!  Well, actually we were partly lucky.  On the walk Ben announced that whilst I had been upstairs after lunch, the phone had rung, no one had answered it and Ben was fairly sure he'd heard the voice of our neighbour across the road leaving a message.  This tracks as she is literally the only person we know who uses our landline.  So I was embarrassed that it looked like I'd ignored her message and just driven off without saying anything.  When we arrived back, I popped over with Leo and Ben to find out if it was her and if everything was OK.  It was her and she was just checking which day next week she is having Leo for a play.  All good.. so far.  Then Ben started getting overdone and trying to touch everything, he took their egg timer off the fridge and was playing with it and then started messing with their pots and pans and spice rack.  I was trying to round him up but also aware that it was now massively raining, lightening and thundering and we had to cross the road.  Oops.  I managed to motivate him with the lure of snacks at home just before he started on the cayenne pepper :-/ 
Anyway, we got wet but we soon dried off!
Overall a fairly nice, relaxing day.

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