Well Saved!

I was knocking the balls into the goal pretty regularly until Eric realised he had his legs apart and I could have driven a bus between them. Once he'd smartened up he actually made a save.
I wasn't kicking the ball hard anyway but it was good fun.
Drove down to see my old Aunt Grace, in Tarrington village, late morning. I took the MX-5 as the forecast was for heavy, thundery, showers. Top down in glorious sunshine all the way there, and almost all the way back.
It's 25 miles, each way, and I was only 7 miles from home when raindrops started to appear on my windscreen. I spotted a large, concreted, entrance on the other side of the road, no traffic coming so shot across and stopped. Even as the roof was going up (it only takes 12 seconds) the rain was getting heavier.
Roof up and off again but the rain only lasted about 4 miles but it was pretty torrential. By the time I got home the sun was blazing again and the football commenced.

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