Pompom tree

Have any of you keen gardeners ever seen one of these before? I certainly haven't.

I had been on a long blip-hunting walk this afternoon and found umpteen possibilities, including a few of four gorgeous wee black lambs gambolling in a field, when I came across several trees bearing a variety of pompoms in different sizes and colours.

Each pompom had a label and the ones I looked at more closely had names on them. It was only when I uploaded this that I saw the word 'Wonderful'. For some reason it reminded me of 'Charlotte's Web' and the words written in the web as a message. I didn't see any pigs/cows/sheep in the field that looked as if they might be for the chop, but you never know...

Whatever the reason for these pompoms, and I don't suppose I'll ever find out, they made me smile!

PS Many thanks to Lozzy for directing me here!

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