The Crystal Pearl

Clutched by a three toed Japanese Dragon wrapping itself around an 18th century bronze vase. 

I took today’s entry when I was on duty at the ‘Upstairs’ location. Yes, I am guiding at Hill of Tarvit Mansionhouse. 

The number of visitors is much higher this year and many are from France and The Netherlands. The Dutch are attracted to the paintings, a rather large proportion the work of Dutch Artists over the last 500 years.

I understand that the Director of Rijks Museum, Amsterdam had visited and was duly impressed.

The visitors are very friendly and ask many questions which we are usually able to answer fairly comprehensively. 

One or two are puzzled by Dozimeters placed around the house and wonder what the meters are measuring.

Nothing sinister other than ultraviolet light. The Mansionhouse is not nuclear powered.

A busy day and Pat and I are the last guides to leave the building.

Back home to watch Wimbledon and enjoy a ‘libation’ or two.

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