
By JackyMT

Oak Tree

Some may remember a long time back Kirsty won a tree in a tombola. We didn't kniw what it was as it was just a stick. I planted it and it turned out to be an oak tree. Its doing well. Not sure what to do with it. I could take it to the woods and plant it. I dont think i want it in my garden.

We've had some heavy downpours and thunder and lightening today.I think a lot of people have.
Misty is not keen on rain or thunder she kept coming in and sitting on the windowsill in disgust. Its still thundering and lightening now at 11pm. I hate it at night

I spent the afternoon half watching tennis and half sorting more photos and cataloging them into areas and places. Some were series of pics from various walks we have done but mixed up so the next job is to put them in order.

Hope the storm blows its self out by tomorrow. Its still warm though and i have my fan going.

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