It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

New member of the family

Well after deliberating wether to tell my Bestie I was going to get it. She asked me on Friday night and when I said it’s sitting in the shop waiting for me…… we decided to go pick it up.
The boys in The London Camera Exchange were delightful and helpful and must have liked our smiling faces.
I bought the Z8 and the Z MC 105mm
I asked “Josh” if I could have some money off another C type battery. To cut a long story short he took £100 off the lens and gave me a new battery worth £60 free. I was a little taken a back. He said the battery was a birthday present!!!
Paula chopped in an old lens and got a spanking deal on the Z 24-200mm lens.
I mean deal of a lifetime.
Suffice to say the London Camera Exchange are my favourite company and I’ll keep sticking with them because they look after me. ( and I do spend an obscene amount of money with them)
I am writing this in the the van with my Bestie driving as we are heading up to mums in Fort William for a week of rest and to celebrate my half century on planet earth!!!
Extra is us as we left Southam


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