Muckairn Church Graveyard

What a bold idea and a lovely development in the old graveyard in Taynuilt. The previously shorn grass has been allowed to grow and the wildflowers have flourished. Paths have been cut through the flowers and should anyone wish a path cut to a particular grave they only have to ask. The area was buzzing with bees. I really found it charming. Here it is with a bit of the kirk itself and Ben Cruachan overlooking the scene. 

Left lovely Luing on the 09:20 ferry this morning. By 09:25 we were well on our way to the Scottish Wildlife Trust reserve on Seil. Had a great walk there seeing  deer, tortoiseshell butterflies, lots of small birds and some bigger ones too. The woodland is lovely but a bit muddy for us today. 

Took a back road to Loch Nell and over to Connel.  Lunch and the walk in Taynuilt and home. Managed to dodge the predicted thunderstorms but it has been wet here. It's quite humid. 

I loved the return trip to Luing. It is very, very pretty. I'm less convinced about the recent changes brought about by the landowners. It's easy for me, as a visitor, to say but for example I find the raising of pheasant chicks for shooting pretty grim. I know the islands need employment and visitors but surely there are other ways to develop opportunities. I had a few interesting discussions with islanders who hold opposing views. Whatever I think the shoots are here now. 

It's good to be home. Thank you for visiting while I've been more or less out of signal. I will try to catch up soon but maybe not tonight as I have lots to do and I'm quite tired. 

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