
I popped to Jewson with Tim at lunchtime, so he could pick up the timber he needs to build his work bench (to then build our wardrobes, etc),  He managed to get what he needed (and we cut it to length ourselves in the warehouse, which was a new experience).  All a quite pleasant experience (nice staff), until a woman came in with her massive German shepherd, and let it bark endlessly at everyone (and simply dropped its lead while she paid, so that it could have a good barky wander).  Odd.

We were cooking dinner (bobotie) together, when I glanced out the window and saw a big old boat coming along the shoreline, so hopped out onto the balcony and snapped a few shots.  Tim looked it up on an online ship tracker - it's one that places buoys, apparently.  I think we may be on our way to becoming ship spotters...!  ;)

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