Harlow Carr

Up very early with Lando on our last morning. We were all ready to set off by 10am so said goodbye to Rachel, Kris and Lando. I always need to know how long it will be until I see them again and this time it will be just over four weeks.
I suggested to Frank that we could extend our holiday a bit and go to RHS Harlow Carr on our way home. He agreed and we had a lovely couple of hours exploring the garden and having a Betty's takeaway tea and scone. It was hot and sunny which didn't bode well for the next part of the journey. Google advised using the A19 to avoid roadworks but this route was also very busy with delays so we were hot and bothered by the time we stopped at Barter Books in Alnwick. We ate in the buffet cafe and I had a little browse before setting off again.
We finally arrived home just after 7pm so had a lazy evening although I managed to put a couple of loads of washing on!

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