
Creative is Herb Robert, the wild flower, in a kaleidoscope...

Badgers have been wrecking my garden last few days. I've been badger proofing some stuff I care about.

Mr Magpie popped his head through the cat flap yesterday. He is getting too portly.

Three baby sparrows seem to have been dumped in 'gennepher's baby bird daycare' by their parents who haven't been back at all the last few days for these baby sparrows. These baby sparrows are pretty clueless, but they can eat the fatballs, and can hang on to the feeder. One of them can hang upside down like a bat, from underneath the feeder. But they sit together in a row on an exposed branch, even when the bird alarm sounds and everyone scatters. They are very skinny.

Time for a nap...

Have your best day.

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