Flat out

The pool was 'busy' this morning with many churning up the water with crawl.  I didn't enjoy it.  Breakfast, some work then off to Cumbernauld vis the ginormous Asda as I drive in for my new kettle, cake and milk.  Oh the excitement.

There were only 4 of us in today and it was C's last day - hence the cake. However, I'd left my laptop at home (doh) so I was limited in what I could easily do.  I decided to call it a day before 3 so I was home by 4.

The weather was overcast, threatening and humid so I did some house things - set up the new kettle (not really midnight blue), the new Shark and got rid of the masses of cardboard I am accumulating.  By 5 the skies had cleared, the sun was out and after a call with H I sat in the garden for my pizza and a cheeky glass.  I think I even snoozed.  Beside me Willow also snoozed in the warm sunshine.

Back inside I started checking out holiday insurance - eye watering.  I know it's sensible but I also know I won't use it.  I gave up and retired to bed.

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