Blue Alliums

I took some photos this morning while it was still and foggy. I thought I might be able to get more this afternoon but it is really windy. I'm going with the early photo. This is in my tulip bed. The tulips are long gone and so are some of the alliums. These blue ones have just opened and the drumstick alliums have a long way to go before they are ready to open.
The small white flowers in the background is buckwheat. Last year I planted them and the pollinators loved it. I had some awesome huge, non-aggressive wasps that I hope return this year. There is also a big bushy coreopsis plant in the very center of it all.
All of these flowers surrounded our two apricot trees which sadly got really hit by the late frosts. All of their leaves were killed off. We are hoping that they aren't completely dead. They had done really well and this was the start of their 3rd year.

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