Enjoying The Sun

A lot better day today I am pleased to say . A wonderful hot sunny  day today. Many thanks for the kind comments yesterday for Julie's dad who is very tired but comfy and settling in . 
After work I was pleased to get home and changed  . I then went for a walk in the local park to find a blip. I was surprised to spot this lovely comma butterfly in the Arboretum park. It was very flighty and kept nearly flying into me , thankfully it settled as the sun went in for a quick moment . The sun then came out again and it then stretched out its wing to take in the sun again before flying off. 
At least blip sorted I could head back home to relax. Rugby League on TV tonight in the form of Warrington V St Helen's . We are also keeping up to date on Wigan's match away at Wakefield  a game we would have gone to but didn't want to risk getting tickets and then not been able to get to it like the other week , as it happens we probably could have . 

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