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Today we cycled to a nature reserve that is quite near us. It's a swamp which has narrow boardwalks. We didn't see any birds, but boy could we hear them. It was like being in a zoo birdhouse. The landscape was very Lapland-ish.  The whole route was 40km. And I was not destroyed when I got home. I've actually had energy afterwards.

We took coffees and then my husband went for another route by himself as his heart wasn't really beating even fast while doing this with me. (Mine was!). But he says he enjoys cycling with me as we go see / experience things, and when he goes by himself he trains - hard.

Linnaistensuo nature reserve.

Linnaistensuo's birdlife is a typical barren oases. Actual bog and wetland species are the crane, the Eurasian curlew and meadow hornet. Observations of the teal have still been made, although the population of the species has declined. The forest areas surrounding the bog offer a high-quality environment for old-growth forest species, such as the tree creeper, the hazel grouse, the Eurasian three-toed woodpecker and the red-breasted flycatcher. Different species of owls have also been found in the area. (from Lahti info)

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