July 6

We started working on a new property today. The existing gardens need some TLC. When I met with the clients a couple of weeks ago, I told them there were 2 options. Wait till September when we could spend a day there or have us come in every 2 weeks for a couple of hours. They chose to have us there every 2 weeks.
A couple of days later one of their neighbors called and asked if we could come by and do some pruning on the same day we were going to be at her neighbors. No questions asked, such as the cost or could I come by and look at it, she simply wanted it done. So I agreed to schedule her on the same day.
Cool and dry, to almost non stop rain to hot and humid. There has been nothing in the middle, like sunny days when the temperature is around 22 C. This afternoon the temperature was 28 C and with the humidity it felt like 35 C. Tomorrow is supposed to be the same, and they also have a heat warning out. Lots of water and frequent breaks.

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