Wild Wednesday ...

... Icky, sticky, hot and humid.

That just about sums up the day's weather!  As do the pictures in my collage.

I was in the pool when the beautiful female monarch butterfly came around.  I had the old Nikon out there with me so I took some photos ... but she really wasn't in a great place for decent pictures.  I watched her flit around from milkweed to milkweek depositing lots of eggs along the way.  And I have some good news ... the monarch egg that I collected on July 1 hatched yesterday (July4) and is already growing.  

I've included a photo of our hibiscus as it had six ... yes, six ... flowers on  it today!  The blooms only last for about a day so I needed to act fast! 

In other news:  This morning I went for my first ever shingles vaccine.  The second injection will be in early October.  Aside from a sore arm at the injection site and a headache I'm not experiencing any other side effects.  Long may that last.  

Backblipped: July 6 ...  please view full screen.

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