………………….of those days! I pushed myself to go to Zumba this morning, it was very muggy and I sweated cobs! After a cuppa I walked the prom then headed home for lunch. I napped this afternoon before deciding to ring my car insurers to ensure I was covered to drive under section 88…I was told categorically no and MC has had to be put down as the main driver and the overnight address changed until such time as DVLA get off their butts and do something. So until further notice I’ll be mainly travelling by shank’s pony. I’ve no doubt when I do get a licence it will again be for 12 months and I’ll have the same debacle when it needs renewing!
The sky was glowing as I went to bed last night and the top photo was taken about 11.45pm from my bedroom. I woke during the night and got up for the loo and took the bottom picture about 3.15am this morning. It looks very like sunset and sunrise have morphed into one.
A lovely walk tonight with the walking group, we managed to dodge the rain which was a bonus. L has just messaged to ask if I’d come down with flu as she has…she seems to have had it worse than me, I’m much better today.
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