Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

He is home!

I managed to quickly walk Xena this morning before going to the hairdresser. My hairdresser was very excited as she has just got a beautiful 5 month old rescue dog. I was nearly in tears when she told me that the breeder sold all the puppies except this one, and the breeder had to take it to the rescue centre as her son was harming the dog - burning it with his cigarette - when it was 13 weeks old. What kind of evil sicko does that to an animal? The poor dog still has about 3 burn marks that are visible where the hair is trying to grow again. It is an American Bulldog and some breeders breed these dogs to sell them for fighting - this puppy has thankfully found a loving home. 

When I got home Tommy had arrived, the car laden with all his things from university. Four years spent at university means he has a lot of stuff to try to pack's a job he will tackle tonight. It has been lovely catching up with Tommy and the afternoon flew by, I did not have time to do anything else.

I must now go make supper and then pack as we are leaving at 6am to drive to Norfolk for a few days. Tommy is going to Inca's house tomorrow evening for the weekend, most of her summer holiday is spent on obligatory vet placements, so he can only get to see her on the weekends.

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