Sedgwick Gorge

Near Sedgwick the River Kent has channeled its way through the limestone and created a small gorge.  I've clambered down to a limestone pavement next to the river  to observe the erosion because I'm doing an "Earthcache".   Thats a type of geocache where there is no log book to sign but you have to answer questions on geology from what you see.  As a girl who never even did O Level Geography (because I was doing sciences and the time table would not allow it),  I find  these earthcaches very educational. You also often  get to see some pretty spectacular scenery.  Sedgwick Gorge is not that deep but the erosion is interesting and I would not have squeezed through the hedge, ducked under the fence, and scrambled down the bank onto the limestone pavement, if I'd not been lured in by the cache. And if  you click the "earthcache" tag you'll see what interesting places I've been to in search of them.

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