Flower Friday
Still backblipping! Photo taken of a pretty plant in a neighbour's garden as I walked down to Tittle Tattle. Quick coffee and then an appointment at the GPs about my leg. There was some sudden blackening to my toes which made me think I should have it looked at. Unfortunately the GP locum didn't appear to have dealt with a potential DVT before and I ended up helping her work through the flow charts to decide whether something needed doing! She decided to discuss my case with another GP at lunchtime. I got a call telling me to ring reception to arrange for urgent bloods to be done today - the answer - "earliest I can get you in is Friday next week"!! After some explanations about the situation she finally booked me in for an appointment at a different medical centre in Bingley at 9pm on Monday! I then got a call from Airedale to go for an ultrasound at 11am on Sunday, and a call from the pharmacy to collect some blood thinners. In the end it might have been easier to have been sent to AMU at Airedale as happened 5 years ago, and get everything done all in one go!
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