(more) pretty peas

.... this time with pods on them ! 

Today saw the last yoga class until September -  I really enjoyed it as we stretched and moved key joints in non-rushed way. I chose the lie with my legs up the wall for the final relaxation phase and could have happily dozed off.  Our "homework" for the summer is to practice getting up to standing from the floor from a variety of positions.

I made super green soup for lunch using onions, cucumber (which was passed its best), spring onions (ditto) and rocket (ditto) with freshly cut mint. It was surprisingly tasty (albeit a rather lurid green colour).

I made tried to make gooseberry jelly this afternoon but it doesn't like it is is setting. I will reboil with lemon juice tomorrow which will hopefully do the trick. 

There were two of us for the Wednesday mid-week stroll and we headed up to Kinnaird and then Edradour and back through the Black Spout Woods.  Just under 3.75 miles and at a reasonable pace. 

Some more model making beckons followed by some TV. 

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