Eschscholzia californica

In Finnish we call them California Fire Poppies. Fire Poppies sounds quite cool. This is the first one blossoming but there should be more to come.

Today I got this thing to my head about how many different flowers do I have in my garden. So I walked around and made a list of all the ones I was able to identify. There's still about perhaps nearly 10 that I'm waiting for to show flower so they can be identified. My list came to 32 different flowers. I counted planted and wildflowers and vines that have flowers. I didn't count vegetables that do have flowers nor trees or bushes or berries.

Some rain came pouring down this afternoon. Nice cloud formations traveling through the skies.

It's been a good day. I was hoping I could finish my projects before my husband starts his vacation. But it's tomorrow and there's no way I can do that if I wanna sleep tonight, so... so some will remain unfinished....

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